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Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

2022-23 West Jordan Code of Conduct

West Jordan Elementary School Prevention Plan

2022 -2023
Welcome to West Jordan Elementary

Mission: At West Jordan Elementary we empower students to reach their potential and become lifelong leaders and learners

Guidelines for Success:

J oin in and include others in every way.
R emember the rules each and every day.

J ust keep trying even when things get tough.
A lways come prepared to learn and know my stuff.
G ive my best to achieve my goals.
S tand up for myself and others, I am in control.

We offer class and school-wide positive behavior support implemented through School-Wide Behavior Expectations posted throughout the building and our Guidelines to Success. Students are rewarded for following school expectations by:

  •   Students feel safer and have a more enjoyable time at school.
  •   Students get a better education and help others do the same.
  •   Students feel good about themselves and the choices they are making at     school.
  •   Jr Jag cards - will be given to students by all members of the West Jordan Faculty. Students can turn their tickets in for a small prize on Fridays and enter a drawing for a Jr Jag Club Painting Party with the principal.
  •  Individual classroom awards and student recognition on a class by class basis.
  •  PAWS program which rewards classes for appropriate whole class behavior in common areas.
  •  Empower Play tickets for playing kindly in structured recess games at lunch.
  •  Classroom Lunch Bucks for positive behavior in the cafeteria including noise level, cleaning up, following cafeteria and school rules, and appropriate behavior towards others.
  • Monthly Kindness Cookie parties with participants nominated by their classmates for acts of kindness.

Discipline Procedures

A problem-solving approach will be used with all discipline at West Jordan Elementary. Students, parents and teachers will be included as part of the team to problem solve, teach replacement behaviors and support changes. Consequences for student misbehavior focus on learning and are applied in a fair and consistent manner, respecting individual rights, responsibilities, ability, needs, age and maturity.

Consequences for not following school expectations include:

  • Individual warnings
  • Opportunities to reflect and think about changing behavior
  • Natural consequences such as helping clean, missing a few minutes or all of recess, and losing privileges
  • THINK Time in another classroom
  • Conference with teacher, parents, administration
  • In School Suspension
  • Out of School Suspension

At West Jordan Elementary, we are particularly concerned about ensuring the safety of each student. Students that have had repeated acts of verbal intimidation, cyber intimidation or physical aggression may be referred to a District Safe Schools Hearing or to the Jordan Family Education Center for anger management or other recommended classes. Severe acts of aggression may result in immediate suspension to a District Level Hearing.


  • Students and staff at West Jordan Elementary have the right and privilege to work in a bully-free environment.
  • Bullying is defined as “ aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength”, through (1) physical bullying: hitting and/or punching; (2) verbal bullying: teasing or name calling; (3) non-verbal or emotional bullying: intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression; and (4) cyberbullying: sending insulting, threatening, or harassing messages by phone, computer, or electronic messaging.
  • A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. See District Policy AS98- Bullying and Cyberbullying.

To prevent bullying at West Jordan Elementary :

  • Anti-Bullying training will be provided to teachers, instructional assistants, and students using a social/emotional skill building program called Second Step. These social skills lessons are taught daily as part of designated “Morning Meetings” that occur in every classroom, and include lessons on bullying, inclusion, self-care, positive self image, friendship and other topics. Meetings are intended to create unity and team building in classrooms and reduce incidents of bullying and other negative behaviors towards peers.
  • Students will learn how to recognize bullying, report it, and solve problems in a positive, productive way. Students will also be encouraged and reinforced for kindness through varying kindness initiatives throughout the year. Research has shown that where attention goes behavior grows. At West Jordan Elementary, we are working to grow kindness for all students.
  • Students are instructed to accurately report bullying to teachers, instructional assistants, playground aides, and/or school administration as soon as it happens so that it can be resolved.
  • If a student reports bullying, school staff will discuss the issue with the students involved and will contact school administration as needed. School administration will contact parents involved and will determine a plan to prevent bullying. In-school or out-of-school suspension, or expulsion of the student(s) involved in the bullying will be considered depending on the frequency, intensity and severity of the incidences, so as to create a safe, productive environment for all students.

Cell Phones and All Other Electronic Devices

  • Possession of a cellular telephone by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses his/her cell phone inappropriately. A student who possesses a cellular phone shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones brought onto school property. Cellular telephone use during classroom time, instructional activities and field trips is prohibited. Cellular telephones must remain off during these times. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by school administration on a case by case basis to accommodate family emergencies or medical necessity. Student violating these guidelines will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS67 - Discipline of Students
    ( ).
  • Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity for educational programs is strictly prohibited. Students in violation will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS67 - Discipline of Students
    ( ). Photographs and/or videos are not to be taken of any person using such device.

Dress Code - Jordan School District Policy AA419

  • Clothing should be clean, neat and in proper repair. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated.
  • No bare shoulders, bare midriff tops or spaghetti strap tank tops. Clothing should cover all underwear.
  • Footwear should be designed for active outdoor play.
  • Hat and hoods are not to be worn in the building, except during school-wide activities or for religious and medical reasons.
  • Gang related clothing of any kind is not allowed.
  • T-shirts depicting violence, use of drugs, alcohol, or other inappropriate slogans that disrupt the educational environment are not allowed.